Live by the Spin – app release from Indolent Games 19th October 2023

A digital decision maker app from the upcoming mobile FMV game Clive is a Good Guy


Live your life on the edge… of a coin!


Introducing "Live by the Spin", the digital saving grace for the chronically indecisive, the consistently equivocal, and everyone stuck in a never-ending Hamlet soliloquy of "to be or not to be".


Are you exhausted from the daily torment of deciding whether to have a mocha or latte? Pizza or tacos for dinner? Netflix or Hulu? Well, dread no more, your dilemma-riddled days are over!

1st Warning: The makers of "Live By The Spin" are not responsible for any consequences resulting from decisions made with the app. If you end up moving to Timbuktu or adopting ten tigers, remember, you agreed to let your fate be determined by the spin.


This revolutionary app is the answer to decision fatigue, having been scientifically “engineered” to increase procrastination, decrease productivity, and provide an unfathomable sense of relief as it entirely lifts the burden of decision-making off your weary shoulders.


2nd Warning: The makers are not responsible for any existential crisis that might occur upon realising a digital app is making decisions better than you could ever possibly hope to.


See hand model instructional video above

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